It's a Lifestyle

One of the most important aspects of truly living to your greatest potential is adapting the mindset that choosing health is a lifestyle. If you were like us growing up you were inundated with images and messaging of dieting and the next best weight loss trend. Most of us have experienced dabbling in that way of life only to learn that it’s not sustainable or it leaves you feeling defeated, and sometimes unwell. Although healthy living can look different for everyone there are a few simple tools that can keep you intentional about choosing wellness as a lifestyle, and ultimately enjoying life to the fullest.

A few simple principles can get you started on the right track. Choose one thing you would like to change or improve upon. Often people try to make too many changes at once, only to become overwhelmed and give up altogether. If clean eating is your area of focus look at one item in your diet that you can swap out for something more nutritious. For example, cutting out the soda is often a goal for many. We know most soda is loaded with sugar and known ingredients that can be toxic to the body. Getting this one out of the diet can do wonders for your health! Great swaps for soda are kombucha or sparkling water. Stay focused on this swap for 30 days and then choose the next thing you want to focus on. Small changes add up to huge results!

For more tips on this topic head on over to the podcast where we dive a little deeper on making health a lifestyle! As we know now more than ever, health is wealth!

It’s A Lifestyle Podcast Link


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